Thursday, 15 March 2007


Of late I have been playing around with a spot of world building (or island building to be more precise).

As yet I havn't named the island itself but I have been working on some of the cities/towns etc found on it. What I have done so far is as follows:

Twin city located near the entrance to the River Merlnec at the top of the Inner Harbour.
Arden is the smaller of the two cities and sits on the higher side of the river. It is where the wealthier members of the population live and also contains the council hall.
Merlnec has a much higher concentration of people (mainly working class) but is much poorer. There is a large library here that is open to all (except books can't be borrowed). There is also a warf stretching into the Inner Harbour and many of the Crafts practiced on the island have CraftHalls here.

Small village located at a bend in Chandley Creek.
The people here are noted for their superior hunting and archery skills.
While the main common buildings, such as craft and meeting halls, are at ground level these people are skilled at building their houses higher up in the trees.

Belfus Creek
Town located at the widest inland point of Belfus Creek. The area here and on the opposite bank of the creek are suitable for growing grapes for winemaking. The people here have darker skin tone due to prolonged exposure to the outdoors.

Busteling city on the far side of the island. Located in a valley with a river running down its middle this city is noted for its use of terraces for housing and farming. The people here employ blimp like airships as a means of moving from one area of the valley to another. These have not proved useable outside the valley.

Small town located on an island at the entrance to the Inner Harbour. Originally set up as a fortified outpost it is now home to a temple and place of study. Students who study here are given a token key to wear which enables them free passage throughout the island and ensures them food and a place to sleep without question (during the years they are studying under the masters at Pala).

Other Info:
There are two calenders in use. The generally accepted one which is much like that which we use, and the harvest one which has 3 periods (sewing, growing and reaping).

The most striking feature of this island is the vast mountain range which runs along its centre. It is heavily forested in most areas but some sections have been terraced or cleared to make roads.

No person may carry a weapon here.

The island is governed by a matriarch (known as Kelda), her consort and a council of delagetes from each of the settlements.

The role of Kelda is usually passed from mother to daughter until there are no more suitable daughters in a family line. The council then seeks a suitable candidate from other families.

There is a fast for 3 days starting at midnight on the day the last of the harvest is brought in. This is followed by a 3 day celebration to give thanks for the harvest.

There is an Ox like animal used in the fields and for cartage between the various places on the island. There are also many varieties of bird and aquatic life.

Serious crimes include:
- Acts resulting in death or perminant disablement of another member of society.
- Damage to the general food stores of the land on which they are grown.
- Deliberate damage to wares or tooles produced or used by a member of one of the specialised crafts.

I am also toying with the idea that the island is housed entirely within a glass ball on a specially built stand on the mantle of some run down house in the suburbs (a sort of snowglobe) . The people on the island can't see out but we can see in.

Please if you have any suggestions for a name for this island do drop me an email. I was at first considering calling it Haven or Lyonesse but decided these had been overused.

Also if you have any other suggestions or find any fault with my island so far please let me know.

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